Coaching & Courses
In-person courses that support coaches working with athletes with a disability are extremely limited in Canada. The good news is that the growth of online courses has helped make learning more accessible and affordable. It is a short term fix or an entry point to the in-person experience that coaches really benefit from.
Soccability Canada has the pleasure of working each year with students across Ontario using accessible soccer as a vehicle for awareness and insight.

This page shares details of Academy Soccer Coach, a UK based company and the first online coaching program to include graphics that reflect players with a disability (power chair, frame and blind). We also share a listed and links to recommended courses for anyone taking their first steps into coaching people with a disability.
Asc Cloud- All Abilities Template, a groundbreaking Session Template allows you to create, store, manage and share your Asc sports session diagrams and session plans in the cloud securely across your organisation and keep them updated on all of your devices. Asc software is a dedicated resource to support the development and growth of all your educational and coaching programs enabling coaches and players to grow and advance within the sport. Available for Wheelchair, amputee, frame and blind athletes with the option for male and female players.

The new platform allows you to plan and save your sessions off-line, share your sessions via “Whats App” and email, plus insert video into your interactive session plan. These are just a few of the additional features available.
Get involved
Whether you're an individual passionate about accessibility, a volunteer eager to contribute, or an organization looking to collaborate, there's a place for you in our community.